
Thursday, February 24, 2011

{Sew} Beautiful Bee. February.

the month of February.  Check.
This month, Emily 
chose the drunk love block using a yummy selection of 
Kona greys and Anna Maria Horner fabrics.
Here's my go at it...


That means one more thing off the to-do list, 
which seriously seems to grow by the minute.
Does anyone else have a problem with that? 

xo, Megan


  1. Great job!!! I really love this style of block, and yours in particular. And you know I can relate to a constantly growing to-sew list. Sometimes I think mine multiplies when I'm not looking.

  2. I love it! :) I keep adding things to my to-do list... instead of checking them off. oops!

  3. Very nice block! I've been crossing a few things off my to-do list but I'm always adding more!

  4. This looks awesome! My to-sew list keeps getting longer too...too many great ideas!
