
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Super Bowl or Super SEW??

With the Super Bowl only a day away, I find myself gathering supplies and planning my sewing project for tomorrow.  Now don't get me wrong I LOVE football, but the thought of sitting on the couch watching the game without being productive just doesn't work for me.  I think a little hand sewing will do.  An embroidery project for my Make Mine Modern Swap partner perhaps? Should I baste a quilt together?  Or maybe I'll tackle hand stitching a binding?
embroidery thread.
What about you?  Super Bowl or Super SEW?

xo, Megan
oh, and GO STEELERS! 


  1. yes, I will be handsewing too! Can't stand just sitting around watching tv anymore.

  2. Sew and Bowl sounds like the perfect combo to me! I will likely be doing the same ;)

  3. yes, I too feel empty handed when I dont have a handsewing project or magazine in my lap when watching tv. But with the superbowl, you want to see the commercials too! Oh, and dont forget the snacks! hmmm...i might not get anything done anyways...

    Oh- and go Packers! :)

  4. Super Sew for me! I'm not much of a football person, so my husband's off to a Super Bowl party with his father, and once the munchkin is off to bed, it is sew-sew-sew for me! :)

  5. We are going to a Superbowl Party, but I like your thinking. It had not even occurred to me to bring some crafts along! I'm mid-scarf, so maybe I will bring my knitting needles. :)

    P.S. I am hosting a fabric giveaway this weekend--please enter at!

  6. I would rather be sewing - but we are going to a superbowl party and I am not at the point that I could take anything with me. darn! commercials had better be worth it!
