
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Super Bowl Sewing

While my intentions were to enjoy the Super Bowl with little hand sewing, it just didn't happen.  Sadly, I only caught the half-time show.  And why you might ask?  Well, because I just couldn't get myself to leave the sewing room! The Boyfriend and I enjoyed the Super Bowl festivities at my parents house. So while he and my father enjoyed a little bonding time, my mom, sister, and I enjoyed a little Sewing Extravaganza.  Let me just say, seeing 3 Bernina's going to town sewing makes for quite the sight!
crazy{9} wall quilt
I decided to tackle a work in progress since my list seems to keep growing.  Funny how that happens.  So this little guy, made with some leftover blocks from my crazy {9} quilt, went from WiP to a finish.
crazy {9} wall quilt
My intentions were for it to be a wall hanging in my bedroom, and it might make it there someday, but for now I enjoy admiring it on the dining room table.  I went with straight line quilting through the Kona Coal sashing, and I love it!
crazy {9} wall quilt

crazy {9} wall quilt
Quilt Stats:
Name: crazy {9} Wall Quilt
Size: 36" x 36"
Designed by: Me
Quilted by: Me
Fabrics: Midwest Modern by Amy Butler
and Kona Coal

How was your weekend?  Did you get a little Super Bowl sewing in?
xo, Megan


  1. I love it!!! And sewing with your mom and sister sounds like a lot of fun, too. I especially love the quilting! Any chance you'll share what they were working on?

    As for me, during the super bowl, I worked on my wonky 9 patch, too, ironically enough, adding that infamous Kona Ocean to my blocks.

  2. I love it too! No Super Bowl sewing but I did read quilty/sewing/food blogs during the Super Bowl on my iPad at the in-law's house. I did look up during the commercials!

  3. I love it! I actually did no sewing because I ended up watching the game. I wish my Mom and sister sewed, that would be fun!

  4. The quilting looks great! And I love how you left the center block grey! I opted for some knitting for Superbowl, though I was busy with the kids during the game...the knitting came out in time for Glee!

  5. Hi Megan! I love this quilt! I think it looks so exiting and lovely and the dark colour around is 'refressing' after seeing so much light colours every where! You block for the Block Party is also really beautiful! I joined also with Nero's animal blocks. You must have been so careful with all the corners to match exactly! I like so much to work with small pieces so your crafts are always my favorites!
    Sunny wishes from Teje

  6. Love this! Love the use of the coal and I love the little spot of turquise that pops out of the block!

  7. Wow! So pretty! I love the stitching and wish I could do straight lines like that! ;-)
