
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

more Sew-tastic Saturday results.

Yesterday I shared with you all a few things my mom worked on this past Saturday when we were able to spend the entire day sewing together.  Now onto what I worked on...
As I have mentioned before, Elizabeth from Don't Call Me Betsy chose a spiderweb block for her month in our {Sew} Beautiful Bee.  Now the directions she chose were a little different than the ones I used for my Spiderweb Quilt (which by the way is currently getting some binding attention, yay!) in that they involved paper piecing.  My initial thoughts were, Eek!  Paper piecing?!?  You see, I haven't attempted paper piecing since I was in 4-H many, many years ago. I was a little intimidated at first but now that it is all said and done, I don't know what I was worried about!  It ended up being a lot of fun!  That was after I remembered to shorten my stitch length.  Lesson learned!
{Sew} Beautiful Bee-March
I really love the way this blocked turned out.  I am sure it is because all of that yummy AMH fabric she chose.
{Sew} Beautiful Bee-March
I am really excited to see Elizabeth's quilt all put together.  She has decided to sash each of the blocks, rather than the traditional spiderweb quilt layout.  Way cool!
And that's it folks.  I was not nearly as productive as my mom was!  Somehow my laptop kept creeping into my sewing area and I then I would find myself blog/flickr browsing.  Funny how that seems to happen! :)
sister's prom dress in the works.
Oh, and before I forget.  My little sister is in the process of making her prom dress for her Senior year.  Here is a little peek.
sister's prom dress in the works.
It involves lots, and lots of hand beading.  Anyone want to see more?
xo, Megan


  1. Love that spiderweb block! I want to try some paper piecing again, it's been a while. Love all those beads, that looks time consuming!

  2. Ohh that spiderweb block is delicious :)

  3. Love those blocks! Great job!

  4. Thank you, thank you, I love how your block came together, it looks fantastic! And your little sister's dress is looking awesome, I can't wait to see how it turns out!!

  5. Beautiful block! Wow, your sister's dress looks so impressive. Hand beading sounds like it would take forever.

  6. That block IS beautiful!!

    I'm completely in awe that your sis is HAND beading that gown!! Valentino anyone? I want to see more!!

  7. Wow!! That block is seriously gorgeous!

  8. holy moley! my sr. prom dress was all beaded too--store bought though. and it was Heav-Y! it's looking great and would love to see the whole dress!

  9. That is so beautiful! You did a brilliant job!

  10. Thanks for the tip on the stitch length! I'll keep that in mind when I make my block for Elizabeth. Your block looks awesome!

    I can't believe your sister is hand beading her prom dress! I'm very impressed.

  11. Love your spiderweb block. And your sister's dress shots. I made my senior prom dress too, but there was definitely no beading and I got it from my Mom's and tried it on not too long ago...needed some work in the fitting...better darts most certainly. Oh well, the memories are good.

  12. That block is really beautiful. Also, your sister is making her dress? With beads? Very impressed.

  13. The spider web is great, but the prom dress beading really caught my eye. My daughter wants to make her own junior prom dress. She bought a vintage pattern on Etsy and we'll be looking for fabric this weekend. Even though I sew every day, I'm not that comfortable with garment construction, so I'm nervous! Can't wait to see your sister's dress!
