
Thursday, March 17, 2011

new favorite {design seeds}

Have you check out Design Seeds?  If not, you need to.  Like, right now!

After reading this post from Kati at From the Blue Chair, I am hooked.  Actually, I am not sure hooked is even the appropriate word for it.  Addicted might be a better choice.  I could seriously browse the Design Seeds website all day long. Yummy! 

The color palettes are absolutely wonderful.  Here are a few of my favorites...

Source: Design Seeds

Source: Design Seeds

Source: Design Seeds

love this one.  Source: Design Seeds

and because today is St. Patty's Day.  Source: Design Seeds

Now go check it out for yourself.  You won't regret it!

xo, Megan


  1. I LOVE this site! Sometimes you know you want certain colors together, and it can be a bit hard to visualize. This really helps. Plus, I always see combinations I never thought I would like together. It just makes me feel inspired to sew and paint.

  2. Oooh, those are good ones. I totally understand being addicted. I lover her site.

  3. Wow, that's pretty sweet! I love that cupcake one!

  4. I totally LOVE design seeds! I even get their feed right to my e-mail every day! And each ones usually has 4 pictures and color combos in it.
