
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

april snow, brings may...SAY WHAT!?!?

Yes, that's right.  It is April 19th and here in Iowa we have at least 3 inches of snow (with total accumulation predicted to be 8 inches).  School got out early, banks are closed, we even shut down the clubhouse at the golf course.  Hello, Mother Nature?  Am I missing something?!?!
April 19th
It is hard to believe it looked like this a few days ago...

We have actually been having this crazy weather on and off again for the past few days.  It is warm and sunny one day and then cold and rainy (and now snowy) the next.  I guess that is just Spring in the Midwest for you.

I am off to enjoy the night with my sewing machine, some sweatpants, and maybe even a glass of wine.
xo, Megan


  1. I wholeheartedly support your plan. In other words, you had me at "sweatpants." Have fun stitching!!

  2. I thought I saw that on the news this morning! How unreal!! That is just so strange to me. Happy sewing :)

  3. Is this a good or a bad time to tell you we had record heat today... almost 95 degrees... but the day was topped off with tornado sirens.

  4. And here in Texas it's been 95 degrees. Crazy weather!

  5. Wine always makes things better :)

  6. It's awful!!! It's been frozen ice and snow here!!

  7. I feel your pain. We had snow here Sunday and Monday. This morning, thunderstorms. Me thinks, mother nature needs to make up her mind!

  8. oh wow, that's crazy! hope you enjoyed your wine and sweatpants!

  9. oh, that's not fair. I wish you warmer weather soon.

  10. ugh! We've just had wind and rain in my corner of the state. you can keep the snow!

    does drinking and sewing mix? I'm afraid I'll mess something up or slice a fingertip off. Perhaps with supervision it would be pretty fun!
