
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

hi ho. hi ho. it's off to work i go.

well folks, it is back to work for me...
I haven't really mentioned it before, but I work in management at a local country club.  Which lucky for me means I have an "off" season (because it is pretty hard to golf in Iowa during the winter), where I have a bit of down time. I initially started this blog as things were starting to slow down last fall, just as a way to stay "busy".  Like I mentioned in my first post, I had no idea what the blogging community would bring.  Let me just say, it has been wonderful!  You all are so great!  Seriously.
Ok, getting back on track.  The warm, spring weather has arrived which means back to work for me.  Bitter sweet really.  While I am more than ready to get back to work and have a "social life" again, I know inevitably that means less time on the blog.  Ugh.  
So things around here may or may not start to look a little different.  I am not sure really, just planning on going with the flow.  Posts will more than likely slow down as sewing time will most definitely get cut short.  I probably won't have as much time to browse flickr or comment on your great blogs.  Sigh.  Or reply back to your comments, although I receive them all on my BlackBerry so I will still read each and every one of them.  All in all, I will still be here just a little less frequently.
Oh and rest assured, I will still be partying it up every week for {Sew} Modern Monday.  I just might be featuring some of your works rather than some of my own.  We will see.
I guess the main point is, thanks to all the wonderful people I have met because of the blogging community!  Every comment and/or e-mail brightens my day. While I might not be able to stay connected as easily with you all, rest assured I will still be here. :)
xo, Megan


  1. Well, good luck with the busy season :) You know I love your blog, it brightens my day, the beautiful things you make! :)

  2. Good luck returning back to work! I always had trouble adjusting back to work after a vacation, I can't imagine after an extended break! I'll look forward to your updates, even if they are a little less frequent.

  3. "they" say change is good...i hope your change inspires you and your creativity so that you can't stay away from us! i look forward to your updates!

  4. Oh! I'm sad to see you going back to work (selfishly) but I know it'll be nice to get back into the "real world" : D

  5. Oh, we'll miss you! Enjoy being back in the swing of things, though. : )

  6. I hope you don't find the adjustment going back too hard! I find that sewing gives me essential me time in the evenings after work and you'll be surprised how much you can get done! I'll look forward to seeing your updates as always.

  7. Now I have that song stuck in my head! we'll miss you Megan. dont let the blog-or lack thereof- stress you out if you get too busy. we know youre still out there! :)

  8. aahh... we'll miss you! Good luck breaking your blog addiction and getting back to the real world! See you on Mondays!

  9. I'll miss your posts and creativity, but know that you will return just as the snow will return to Iowa

  10. Hello Megan! Have a nice summer season! We were working many years like that - 8 months work every day and then free winter (we had restaurant), then we worked many years only evenings but all the year (an other restaurant). Now we had long brake and have just started new work with renting holiday apartments. I'm exited but also already missing my sewing and blogging time!
    Best wishes from Crete! Teje
