Sunday, August 7, 2011

{Sew} Modern Monday #29

under pressure. 

it's {Sew} Modern Monday and i had every intention of sharing my finished pouch for round two of the pretty {little} pouch swap. but, no.such.luck.  you see, i have a serious thing for procrastinating.  it doesn't matter how much thought and prep i put into something (in this case deciding on a design and fabrics), i wait until the last minute to make a final decision. or i avoid the task at hand like it's the plague and distract myself with other sewing projects. either way it always ends the same, last minute stitching.
to be completely honest though, i am a-okay with it. i like to think i do my best work under pressure. (:
so as i type this blog post (at 11pm cst sunday night) i am finishing up a little bit of hand stitching on my pouch before i put the whole thing together in time for tomorrow's shipping deadline.  here's a picture in case you were curious.
pretty {little} pouch swap. round 2.

my partner really likes AMH fabrics and gray (just like me!), so this little pouch is right up my alley. i definitely predict making another one in my future--hopefully with a more relaxed timeline.

now please tell me i'm not alone on this procrastination thing.  (:  felicity, i'm looking at you!

alright, onto the rest of the {Sew} Modern Monday festivities. we had a record number of link-ups last week (42!) with lots of new peeps. thanks everyone!!  i apologize for not being able to comment on all your great modern sewing posts, but the interrupted internet service from the lightning strike totally cramped my style last week.
{Sew} Modern Monday at Canoe Ridge Creations

and now without further ado, it's time to party!


  1. HAHAHA can I just say how hilarious it is that you tagged me in this post? I was all, 'yeah that sounds like me'...then I saw my name!! :)

    Procrastinators unite....tomorrow.

  2. I love that you called Felicity out here! So fun :) And your pouch is looking smashing so far, can't wait to see a bigger, done picture!!!

  3. Thank you for hosting this Megan! I always love to see everyone's projects!


  4. I am so in your camp, girlfriend! Last minute is best, eh?

  5. Another procrastinator here. 11pm still sounds like a decent time. I've been known to get about an hour or two sleep or sometimes no sleep because a project needed to be finished. Of course, if I did start on it earlier I would never be in that situation but like you, I do think I work best under a bit of pressure.

  6. Ha ha. That's awesome! I like to work ahead a little, but I can procrastinate actually mailing things for a long time! Can't wait to see the rest of your pouch!!

  7. I am glad you are up and running! I love the look of the pouch! If I didn't link up every week, I think I wouldn't get anything done!

  8. Your pouch looks lovely! Procrastination is the key to a happy life :-)
