
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

a week at the lake. [part 1]


i'm baaack! it's amazing how refreshed you can feel after a few days away from home, work, & real life. last weekend my entire family (mom+dad+myself+the BF+little sis+her BF) make the 5 hour drive up to Northern Wisconsin to spend a week at the lake with more family. we've been taking this same trip every year for as long as i can remember and i wouldn't want it any other way!


and you know, it's not really "the lake" itself (although it is a beauty!) that makes this vacation one of my favorites, it's the time spent with family. it's the laughter, the stories, the catching up, the food -- oh man, was there food! most importantly, it's spending quality time with people who always show love, support, & compassion.

DS Quilt

between sunshine, beach time, & boat rides i was able to sneak some sewing time in! surprised? :) this year i packed up my machine and brought a few different projects to stitch on. first, i finished up my Denise Schmidt Picnics & Fairgrounds Quilt. <3 <3 <3 the first part of the week i kept thinking this was my favorite quilt i'd ever made...that was until i started the next project.  more pictures + a full recaps to come!


i'll be back tomorrow with more pictures and stories from the lake!

talk soon!
xo, megan. 


  1. gorgeous quilts! Oh, I so love that Picnic and Fairgrounds one, it's totally stunning and I love your quilting.

  2. Sounds fun! I love your DS quilt! But man am I excited to see more of your new project! :) Glad you were able to have a good time and be able to relax a little.

  3. Stunning fabrics and quilts!! Plus the photo of the lake looks so inviting :)

  4. Oooh, loving those blocks! I get a mini holiday at 'the lake' this coming weekend, but in my case it's the one hosting the Olympic rowing ;o)

  5. I really like how the strips on your blocks at the bottom are all the same length. I see so many string quilts that are different lengths, but I like that yours are the same.

  6. Loving the look of those blocks! They are all so gorgeous when put together! I'll be looking forward to seeing more pictures =D

  7. beautiful! Love that Bella you're working on too!

  8. Oh my goodness! I love those blocks on the bottom of the post. So cute!

  9. It's been good for me. It kind of settles you down. You get more regular sleep and eat better. Since she's involved in athletics, she understands the travel and what goes into it.

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